Modern art watching urban life

Modern art watching urban life.

As Walter Benjamin remarked on the aura of art in the age of mechanical reproduction, the unpredictability of art retains its uniqueness. Very abstract art acknowledges its own failure to accomplish anything meaningful: that just shows visitors how clueless abstract art is. For every dainty watercolorist there’s an explosive abstract expressionist.

Humor many forms

In today’s world, where globalization continually intensifies, this puzzle provides opportunities for many street imaginary creatures discoveries in the years to come. Neomodernism acknowledges the trickiness of such situations, ideas have value as art, fantastic is hallucinatory.

Alan Hajek, You can see beauty in a rust drip.

Viewing the world as a living, breathing organism composed of an evolving network of the seen and unseen through infinite channels of connection. Buildings are a living thing, they have to change to meet the current needs, buildings are never done.

real neptune symbol

Only pictures changed the way we all think. The ancient Greek god of the sea was unpredictable, almost always in motion, and dangerous.

Stave off potential predators. Pictures must be concrete to reclaim their ironic moments of heaviness. All spoke the same language, artists are mythmakers blurring the line between reality and representation.

Emotion and thought have imaged the structure of an enigmatic cluster of pixels. Bizarre art wait at the door of the art gallery. In mythology, doors suggest the transition from one world to another; in psychoanalysis, they represent choices and decisions.

what makes a painting memorable

Nothing has the right to exist unless it makes eccentric drawings. If you don't recognize the art style, you can't solve the problem. Art is eloquent of the mode of life, watching as the shadows race through walls and cracks and leave no trace, forget to the flatness of collage paintings as metaphor of the hollow society and its superficial existence (it's remarkably well buried).

story to construct a whimsical world

Contemporary urban art is undeniably whimsical and not scared of what people think of it. Storyteller an artist 老兔 (Lao Tu) is really a mythmaker whose stories overlap.

The symbol of jealousy who run our art galeries dont understand art in underground artworks, neither outdoor art or the secret language of the city. So how does concrete art slip through the cracks for years?

Underground art should provide key information to show that it is on top of things, because short underground bugs are not small-minded.

Abstract art is dull, Extra dimensions in life is what does figurative art represents. Frequent fallacies continue to thrive, including the use of correlation to capture causal relationships. Something preposterous is turned the wrong way. It puts up front what belongs in the back. That's the definition of fun art. I kind of feel relieved if this ends but also like a total loser.

art is a dangerous business

A painting is an organized whole, a set of relations between forms, lines, and colored surfaces on which the meanings that one attributes to it are made or unmade.

Gérard Schneider, Entretiens sur l’Art abstrait, Pierre Cailler, 1964.

What kinds of abstractions are formed by deep networks, and how can we reason with these abstractions and combine them in a timeless and powerful subject matter? The Abstract Expressionists turned to primitive myth and archaic art for inspiration.

In the multidimensional landscape of contemporary art, each enigmatic grasshopper balances between abstract humor and digital subculture. Art is just a thought. Often enough, I find, an artist wanders off and writes crazy pages about the solution to the optical illusion of contemporary art.

“The reader should be warned, however, that not all intuitions developed in spaces of low dimensionality will generalize to spaces of many dimensions.”

Christopher M. Bishop

correlation is not causation

Abstract art began when you don't know for sure if it's a rhino, a parrot or an ant. Hard to be sure what abstract art is anymore. Feeling and Thinking: Preferences Need No Inferences : emotion is a different kettle of fish than logical thinking, everything has a cause. Obviously the sum of all the fractional parts of the picture is unity. A day without drawing is a day lost.

make me smile

I sent the model to the drawing room to make a picture of her, and she has turned out to be nothing but a damned image, art being only our ignorance of real causes. Humor is not a purely a visual artist, quirkiness is a fact of life. Albin Crocotil's approach to painting is fluid, with complex languages and ideas that subvert traditional imagery.

funny rabbit, slow art

Our happiest drawings are mixed with sadness, but slow art make us all happy anyway. Collectors have been drawn to his thoughtful approach, and the fact that Oopogon does not specify every meaning. “You have to sit with his work. It’s not the easiest work if you don’t have the time to appreciate it.”

Humanity has always been marked and destined by possession and desire, by its exultation and its anxiety, by its daily little death and its instant and provisional paradise (Luis Pérez-Oramas).
