naturalism and neo-naturalism

The difference between naturalism and neo naturalism is only one century.

Nature is full of surprises.

The prestige of good science and the power of technology have driven naturalism to the top of the mountain, because naturalism is the dominant philosophical worldview and bad art is used to make a mountain out of a molehill.

Knowledge is not neutral, but art must be light-hearted bawdy.

"An Original may be said to be of a vegetable nature; it rises spontaneously from the vital root of Genius."

Conjectures on Original Composition, 1759 essay by Edward Young

light-hearted bawdy, humor happy anyway

Smile and focus on the positive side of things.

Difference between human art and nature

The vast landscape immersed in the silence of winter also has something to say. A simple linear narrative describing the development of this site no longer seemed to hold water because any thing we make is expected sinking quickly like a stone thrown into a quiet pond.

Persephone overwhelming power of nature

Throughout the history of art, depictions of the table and its contents have been used as a storytelling device to convey skillfully coded meaning and sociocultural significance to the viewer. Modern science, has confirmed what ancient faiths have always taught: the most important fact of life is our natural sense of benevolence.

Persephone and the futility of man up against the overwhelming power of nature.

knowledge construction

Visually, with its vivid coloring and coloratura patterning, it sings. Birds of a feather widen our horizons. Naturalism comes in many stripes, and has a special relation with the science (stripes always do something).

What is the difference between art and nature? Do we need naturalistic pictures to fit an artistic point of view of the human nature because of the difference between naturalism and realism in art? Postmodernism, there is nothing beyond the spirit of things creating a number of witty and thought-provoking images.

Life without art is an octopus without a mermaid.

What is a difference between naturalism and realism?

The arts matter because they force us to think about the difference between the good and the bad, the false and the true, naturalism and realism, theory and practice.

John Tusa, Human beings experience a sentiment of freedom which is caused by great art. Neo-naturalism is not art. Salads don’t believe in anything, I wish I was at the end of the internet to see them in the flesh.

symbol for hidden happiness

The grand scientific project of making sense of things challenged by the futility of man up against the forces of nature. Perhaps escapism is the only salvation for those striving to survive in the complexity of city life.

Images which envelop the viewer in a conversation between memory of the natural world and a new experience with scientific realism. The potential for error is omnipresent, the potential for innovation is weak. Creating hybrid forms between life and memories of forests that become more like dreams.

lanky naturalism

Experimentation in art: Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience and memory. I always had the silly thought that naturalism is the younger sister of realism, neither fish nor fowl, because the artist sees what he paints to convey magical lyricism rather than paints what he sees. Naturalism retains its ingratiating charms.

Did they escape? If so, where did they go? Traditionally, still lives that contain allegorical collections of objects symbolic of the inevitability of death, the transience of life, and the vanity of earthly pursuits. This exploration of perception has been a continuous thread in Hector Corbelet’s practice.

To tread a fine line small images often live fast and die young. I'm glad these pictures are happy then.

That is what's important in the end.