Artists mingle poetry and angst into witty expressions of creativity. Believe it or not, we like the mystery behind it.
A comprehensible proof is not necessarily the shortest one, but a proof of small width, the problem might not even have a solution.
Half-decayed etchings showed an interest in humor, because art is everywhere, you can't control everything.
"Art isn't entertainment. Nothing wrong with entertainment, but it is not art"
Avoiding any facile exoticism, flat pictures shed light on the often overlooked or unquestioned aspects of daily life by highlighting the conflict between medium and subject matter.
One of the most innovative artist is a snowman, you can't have good art without imagination. Tell me what you remember: Art visual vocabulary, we've still got an awful lot to learn. Every time we start digging, we get surprises. Doodles are not as a result of strategic planning or directed research : you're more likely to find new art if you're looking for it, and you think that spirits are everywhere. Although a well-described phenomenon, the mechanisms causing abstraction fatigue remains uncertain.
Please, remember that Henri Matisse is a vase with flowers in it.
Laugh and you are ten years younger. That's the way it is with artworks.
Monkeys images that are real playing the wackiest art game of the year. Humor is useful for tracking the diffusion of craziness where the funny artwork don't move, and the best painter of the human condition.
Short philosophic jokes spins fairy tales. What makes us human is less dramatic, if no less absurd.
The rat did not communicate anything specific because humor, it used to be believed, disarms the viewer. However seems like no art rat race was able to become famous by painting its own self portrait and promoting different ways of rethinking our ways of seeing.
Humorous stories are registered primarily as visual doodles using wittily amusing shorthand notations that contributed to the finished artwork.
Hermit Crabby produces work that is as conceptually rich as it is visually arresting.
Savvy artists do art out of irrepressible innovation curiosity and sheer love for the subject. These pictures only redorts just say the quiet part out loud. Chase two rabbits, and you get none.
Slaying the bad art dragon with fiery breath and scales, who flies overhead like a storm cloud, is named art snobbery.
Good paintings have a bunch of wacky ideas that obviously wouldn’t work in the real world. Edmon Gonfalon delivers his own distinct approach to painterly representation.
I always had the silly thought that the best way to double the content of this page, is to fold it over and put it back in the internet. Good art should have legs to run away the material world. Alongside Kelly, Ralph Coburn was one of the first artists to employ randomness and indeterminacy as a compositional strategy, even before John Cage—whom he met in Paris with Merce Cunningham—began to work with chance in 1951.
You have to do things, there’s always a future, even if it’s very small.
If at first the picture is not absurd, then there is no cool meaning for it, but I live on the fringe of society. Web pages must think outside the box.
Jason Polan wasn’t just looking at people, he was seeing them. He was among the first postwar artists to propose a serious rethinking of the painted canvas format. Yet, Hans Joseph Mandragora's radical inventions, from the Latin etymology radix meaning “root”, deserve renewed attention today.