Simplicity is not minimalism

Eggs and chicken, in the end, simplicity is best.

The revenge of the visual economy in art.

Manners show that you are an attractive, empathic picture. It’s a way of showing that images are living things. Life imitates art, for surely, it’s complicated. The more you understand, the better you can find the solution.

ibis is closely associated with wisdom

The ibis is closely associated with wisdom, and is the sacred animal of the god of knowledge. The egg-chicken hybrid was the first, like those mermaids who are more ancient than both fishes and human beings.

black brain worm is closely associated with wisdom

The starting point for many of my explorations about lines and space is in the fragility of lines.

Tiffany Loy

justice hasn’t been done to the egg

Famously claiming that “justice hasn’t been done to the egg,” this underutilized motif gave Kippenberger a wealth of ways to express a range of paint techniques and pictorial concepts.

simplicity too much information

Which was the first, chicken or egg? Theory is often different from practice. Hard choices, easy life. Easy choices, hard life. No more long, drawn-out lessons on form, accuracy and precision.

A lot of playfully designed eggs are in the minimalist art basket.

Helen of Troy chicken and egg situation

Simplicity is visual economy. If it's not one thing, it's another, archetypal example is a minimal pixel visual argument, evaluating explanations for the relative simplicity of the ideas in graphic art.

The chicken or the egg, which came first? The unadorned and unpretentious egg is a harbinger of life, and its form symbolizes infinite regeneration.

Meaningful arguments are simple

Simpler implies both truth and beauty.

Simplicity boils down to two steps: Identify the essential. Eliminate the rest. The power of simplicity is a myth.

The harder part of art criticism is a fossilized theory. Simplicity is legible minimalism. There is much to be learned from the practice of not taking more than we need and being good neighbors to plants and animals,

Artwok just can't figure whether it's the chicken or the egg.

self symbol simplicity

Simplicity is not minimalism. The art of drawing is the art of omission. He who knows what best to omit is the best teacher.

Max Liebermann

New rationale, old goal: twisted humor, full circle reasonning. Most artworks recognize the importance of criticism in helping readers decipher contemporary art.

importance of criticism

The artists themselves take over the critical function. Critics of art should be capable of expressing complex thought without resorting to obfuscatory linguistic smoke in the hyperbolic media age.

Simplicity is legible minimalism.

The art of drawing is the art of omission

Nothing is for free, but the beauty of everyday thing.

The art of drawing is the art of omission. All that is true is plain and simple: clean, direct, simple, sharp, precise and brief.

egg or chicken

Bird cartoons are high risk figures, and lots of fun. Who or what was weird is likewise not known.

Bauhaus valued the integration of art, craft, and technology, which later became foundational principles in modern graphic design. Herbert Bayer's work, such as the geometric sans-serif Universal typeface, exemplified the Bauhaus ethos of simplicity, functionality, and clarity.
