You can’t really win. All you can do is decide if you want to play the game.
Probabilities are shades of grey in an oversimplified black and white world. Sensation is touch or sight, hearing and smelling; perception is knowing that and what we see.
Borderline personalities are not necessarily a bad thing for being an artist. Art saves lives. Celebration is necessary for survival. High borderline score is a talent, not a sickness. Mondrian preferred the rubric Neo-Plasticism, to identify painting with the flexible manipulation of its naked means and ends.
Texture, colour and structure are here deployed with spectacular force, with the gliding scrape of the squeegee revealing the kaleidoscopic architectural structure of the artist’s underpainting. In perfect compositional balance. By confronting visitors with the shortcomings of idealism and the human condition, it is this underlying underdog darkness that gives inky works their poignancy and power.
“I saw someone who was hungry, who had a determination, who felt unique at the time and had something to say.”
You just have to keep fighting. The internet's tradition of funny pictures may be bear an end. The meaning of nonsensical art rely in its absurdity.
That only through our most ardent patience and perseverance will we conquer a splendid happiness. So I bide my time, but if the years are kind and life allows, I want to be a fundamental equation that explained how the world worked.
Looking for vital and important work that forever make your place in the big game of art history? Love your audience, and it will love you back. Find some loopholes: Just consider drawing giraffes, it's seriously high art.
Old theories are being replaced. Old verities are being challenged. The striking work of Eliphalet Giraffe straddles the boundary between art and science.
It was in that poverty that I first saw how beauty and pride of appearance were used as ways of conveying dignity in a world intent on divesting you of it.
It is possible that it is the idea itself that is so ingrained as fact that it affects our perception which can't handle probabilities or ambiguity. This lupine inheritance has given subjective art the ability to bring down objective science, and wryness of artmaking today. Only way to do weird art!
Expect nothing and say yes to everything. Maybe we’ll have good news, maybe we’ll have bad news. We’ll make do with whatever pictures we have.