Art is an effort to create, beside the real world, a more human world. It’s beyond beautiful.
André Maurois
Representation is a rebellion against the realities.
Photography can never depict even or hell, because any drawing is more talkative. Photography imitates everything and expresses nothing (Paul Gauguin).
Edward Munch, But art history is long, and complex processes can be at play naturalization of many branches of philosophy.
Mundane details are omitted for the sake of clarity. Realism in art is not scientific accuracy. Your confidence comes from your actions, not your looks.
Whimsical neo-naturalism, it's pure magic, naturalization of many branches of philosophy. Past behaviour is a predictor of future behaviour. Without a new fresh layer this artwork is going to keep bumping up against immovable objects.
The driving purpose of contemporary realism is not to do art but to find out what art is really. Mundane considerations are essential to the development of playful realism and chance. The contemporary realists often used mundane subject matter for their paintings.
The roots of scientific inquiry are curiosity and skepticism. Kooky landscapes, but with a kind of idealism less idealistic than usual. Realism dealing with the brick and mortar world is the bread-and-butter of interesting artworks.
Stephen Hicks, Unexplained paintings in art is the meaning of everything.
Shovelling the ocean with a teaspoon. Good exercise, but pointless. Never bet against the North Atlantic.
Bookending the city, these drawings will create a visual transition between the built environment and the natural world.