die slowly  Pablo Neruda

They die slowly, those who don't permit themselves, even just once in a lifetime, to run away from sensible advice.

They die slowly, those who don't turn the tables when they are unhappy at work, who don't risk the certain for the uncertain to run after a dream, who don't permit themselves, even just once in a lifetime, to run away from sensible advice.

Adam, Eve and Pablo Neruda poems

That only through our most ardent patience will we conquer a splendid happiness. Dare to be wrong, or you may never be right. Science will live an authentic life.

They die slowly, those who don't travel, who don't read, who don't hear music, who don't find grace in themselves.

They die slowly those who destroy their own love, who won't accept help.

They die slowly, those who pass their days complaining about their bad luck or about the incessant rain.

poems about taking chances

They die slowly, those who abandon a project before starting it, never asking about a subject they are unfamiliar with, never responding when asked about something they know.

We avoid the smooth dues of death by always remembering that being alive demands an effort much more than the simple action of breathing.

Where words fail, art speaks. Life should not be a journey to the graveyard with the intention of arriving slowly but safely. Living is a thing you do now or never. Take risks.

poetry risk taking

We all live with expiring date, venture from your comfort zone. Interesting pictures want to be challenged, get out of their comfort zone a little. Art make us all happy.

happy for all who fly free

So make daring goals, take risks, and let your creativity run free. Be happy for all who fly free. Pablo Neruda, Translation: April Howard. Poems about taking chances, while we live.

They die slowly, Take risks

The tragedy of life is not death but what dies inside us while we live. Trying to use math to objectify an irrational fear. Has that ever worked for learned helplessness?
