Art speaks where words are unable to explain the endless possibilities of artistic expression. This is poorly said. It has the sound of something spoken. Writing is different. If you think critically, and find paintings which are good at statistics, you may be a successful artist without personally knowing much math.
Books that speak to the transcendent power of art, the spoken and the unspoken. Words displace their real-life referents.
Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.
Victor Hugo, William Shakespeare.
That taste is always barbaric which needs a mixture of charms and emotions in order that they may be satisfaction.
Imanuel Kant
A fable about an unexplainable passion for the ineffable, at the threshold between word and image. Terrestrial and celestial rule are surreally entangled and coalesce into open-ended narratives.
How to paint zen? Become the brush. The only valid art is the art of ineffability. Blessed be the irrational, where words fail, ineffable art speaks. Unexpected paintings bring emotional expressions that lean toward a belief in supernatural agents. David Lewis holds that there are inexpressible truths. Science may offer complete coherence, but only at the expense of the aesthetic and emotional pleasures many of us crave in art.
It's mostly unspoken instinct, an unexplainable passion for the ineffable, for cognitive distortions beyond expression in words. But the parallels go only so far.
An unspeakable passion for warped thinking, art explaining the unexplainable, as muse and spectator.
Ineffability is for things that can't use words, the bad theory is intended to obfuscate and intimidate the viewer into thinking the work is meaningful, but lacks the teeth to do so. Logic and rationality are mere myths or illusions, seize the day, and keep is simple, artworks convey what words cannot.
Poetry has no practical function, but rather a communicative role; unexplained paintings are much more visceral and emotional.
All art is emotional, meaning some emotional expression of instinct as a physiological response. Natural selection primed any type of theory that attempts to aligns its thinking with a kind of legacy of anti-painting glimpses into uncompromising underground cultures where anything goes.
All art is emotional, meaning some emotional expression of instinct as a physiological response. Natural selection primed any type of theory that attempts to aligns its thinking with a kind of legacy of anti-painting.
What are images ? How they differ from words? Knowledge, emotion and art don't make good bedfellows, the picture was always questioning what our equations were saying and their physical basis.
“Do not fail, as you go on, to draw something every day, for no matter how little it is it will be well worthwhile, and it will do you a world of good.”
Cennino Cennini, 1370 – 1440, Author of “Il libro dell’arte”
Photography, a medium where no words are spoken but everything is said. If the eye listens, the eyes speak, explaining why we fear what we can’t see.
Artistic improprieties that are not a dumb wast of time and money are not artsy. An inauspicious picture pushing the creative boundaries of the old-fashioned sense of humor. In every painter a whole is mysteriously enclosed. Words are very unnecessary, they can only do harm. That's a risky assumption.