Drawings that represent life

Art pages do have a purpose: artistic expression.

Life is short and rainy days are long. Read a poem every day.

Rainy day activities usually have reasonable beliefs about what leaf botanical print really is.

smiling mushroom

From this point of view, laziness and idleness become essential elements of meaningful labor. The option to remain idle, to reject work, to prolong it or to delay its completion are becoming the sine qua non of creative labor worthy of a free person.

Danila Raskov

Summer art works as a window into the enigma of existence.

Drawings that represent life

Fishing for the right puzzle piece:

"Technical skill migth be an helpful component in making art, but it's certainly not required."

S. Godin, Linchpin

Art does not require an explanation.

Drawings that represent life

In this brief note I want to remove the brand of shame from laziness and to pronounce it not the mother of all vices, but the mother of perfection.

Life without art

Pictures want to be seen.

Waxoil removes the rust of life with crazy things.

art failure symbol

Buttered toast always lands butter side down, terrorized by anything remotely numerical: I am just glad I am on the right side of the equation.

filippo marinetti futurist futurism

Attended at all times by uncertainty, incompleteness, and imperfection, the world is full of contradictions.