Calm and happy pictures make more money. When you go to paint, use your eyes not your ears, because we see with the mind.
The lonely worm speaks visual irony. Anxiety expresses itself not just in what you draw, but how you draw it, not to wax poetic about how it’s not for you. Lǎo dōngxī translates his diaristic sketches into glowing paeans to simplicity and beauty.
Lobsters are successful shrimps. The lobster showed him the importance of sharing meals. Art speaks when words can't.
Though there are some disagreeable things in Venice, there is nothing so disagreeable as the visitors.
Henry James
Life is fluid, pretty nonsensical from the start. Time passes; things happen. Drawings are both vessels of knowledge and interpreters of a narrative. She had the vision, and the bull had the know-how. Drawings are flat wrong, foolproof art kills but ironic sayings makes the point, because academic artworks truly haven't understood anything about anything.
The subject of drawing is drawing itself, a metaphor for life’s intensity and transience.
On average visitors spend 1 minute peering at online art websites, it's easy to be cynical.
Everything here is true, accuracy is worthless. The lobster showed him the importance of sharing meals.
Artists distract themselves as a way of regulating their emotions such as fear of witty and insightful art. There is a simple lesson to be learned from this: the fragility of humor.
Confirmation bias makes me feel like I'm constantly on the verge of discovering the meaning of life, and the logic behind symbol of jealousy.
Shanghai irony and ambiguity. If I knew what it meant, it wouldn’t be a very good artwork. Before considering being a watercolor painter, test the waters first, and paddle your own canoe.
Now, the best reason to paint is that there is no good reason to paint a weird mix of pictures as object as a little part of the magical canvas.
Laziness is the mother of all vices. Kazimir Malevich have always been of the opinion that this condemnation of laziness is unfair.
Irony trumps everything, be prepared for the unexpected where the act of looking or being looked at is inherent to the graphic process itself. Conceptual artists have declared painting as an outdated medium to be abolished. Conceptual artists are outdated.
The end of art deservedly meet its own end.
Why does it matter?
Sarcasms are starting to get the sense that something may be really wrong, fun drawing little dingbats that matter.