The problem with objectivity is that the human mind can rationalize anything.
Remember that art is neither all good or all bad, frequently life is not fair, and you begin to see why artists resort to cutting corners. Fine art just lost a little more pizazz. No artist's error becomes his own rule and obliges him to persist in it. Being accurate isn't the only desirable characteristic in a picture. If that was the case, art wouldn't exist at all (beauty of imperfection). In place of an intensive cooperation among artists, there is a battle for goods (Wassily Kandinsky).
The finished painting loses its freshness. Yellow birds avoid overworked paintings.
How is AI-generated art affecting artists? Criticism is easier than craftsmanship truth, artificial art came about to question artistic authority.
Good art as AI-generated image, seen as locally overlapping practices, each with their own constitutive norms and values.
"The important distinction to make when you are talking about the genuine quality of a painting is not so much whether it is a real painting or a fake painting it's whether it's a good fake or a bad fake."
Orson Wells explored this in "F for Fake", raw emotion from our reptilian brain is the magic of art.
Still, a very nice thing to write about.
Bad art as AI-generated image. Bad art finding a narrative behind the paintings within the paintings is often more interesting than good art.
Painting has always been the fetish medium of art history, I'd rather spend my time watching paint dry. Equations that are also a work of art.
Art is not democratic. It is not for the people (Richard Serra). Uplifting fine art makes us feel good.
Who wants to hear that they are what is wrong with everything? It's the Internet. You can't know. Drawing is complicated, but art is simple: as with many myths, this one has a grain of truth to it. The drawing was wrong, and yet it turned out to be fruitful, evolving to emotions and materiality.
Art is any artwork done with skill as the result of knowledge and practice, you should do that, it’s fun. The sea hares defend themselves by squirting ink at the art critics, as shown in the above picture. The ink sticks to the art critics, interfering with his sense of smell. Trust images more than words, bad paintings are interesting, because they choose which rules to follow and which ones to flout with flair.
Pulex’s works cannibalize a vast quantity of reference material, from the Symbolists to Postmodern expressionism, to create a carefully selected composite of signs and signifiers.
Bad art behaves as a harmonic mean and is therefore disproportionately influenced by low values. If an artist creates art and never shows people, it is still art. Nut Art also reflected the importance of process over product.
The appearance of “non-finito” is a deliberately unfinished, rather gestural painting, natural, unposed, and full of life.