Human body drawings are most meaningful when they disagree with theory.

Drawings making someone happy in a digitally saturated world. I haven’t freaked out one bit since the force behind creating beautiful things is about attempting the pointless. How do I show being alive?

meaningful life drawings

Is Naive Expressionism just a chapter in Art History?

The model sees things that others don't see. Art speaks louder than words. And learning to spot them may help you. You begin to see why artists resort to cutting corners, and maybe you will get lucky. Awe-inspiring beauty of nature, Art speaks louder than words.

Drawing tutorials are admirable things, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught. Finding the root causes for why your drawings are feeling low is the daily job of Hans Joseph Mandragora (Nonsense art is the answer).

artist feelings in painting

Drawing human figure.

Everybody has a theory of proportions of the human body but no artist ever see things as they really are. Iconoclastic artists often are, however, deeply rooted in tradition. Proportions are the meat of a meaningful human body; this is good, clean fun.

First rule : The pubis is at mid-height of the average adult figure which is the meat of drawings. Human meaningful volumes are mathematical, without ideal body proportions.

the human figure tutorial

Weathering Joe has developed a complex body of work that considers our social and cultural relationships with images and with the medium and history of irony itself.

cool expressionism

Regarding models, regardless of their motivations, formalism creates a sense of order. I want absolute beauty, because the coolest drawing in the world inserted countless layers between an idea and a reality.

Body proportion in art is just half of the problem.

aesthetic theory, yellow primitivism

When you look at a portrait and the face is exactly the same to every detail is that art or is it just boring? Art movements like impressionism and expressionism reject the rule of life-like accuracy of details. Unless creating a sense of otherworldly non-human perspective, better use of irony to reveal the contradictions of the present.

The charm of art is everywhere

Art speaks louder than words, and most artists reject the rule of life-like accuracy. The charm of art is everywhere. It’s whimsical, it has wit and affection, environments that undermine the traditional divides between nature and human aesthetics.

awe ink drawing

Albin Crocotil love to talk how to use his time and the struggle to find meaning in nature expressionism. In Dresden, the artists' association Brücke harbours the ambition to express a strong joie de vivre in a shared style of bright colours and angular shapes.

what is life without art

A much needed reminder of what makes life worth living. There is no destiny or fate. There is nothing that will happen for sure. Much valuable would be an inventory of familiar things all around that nourish your happiness; If a painting smiles at everything, it takes the power out of any one smile.

Postmodern expressionism
all about feelings and moods

The former Zen monk humbly explains, “I am just me, a man creating to live and living to create.” Albin Crocotil is able to capture a timeless beauty and complexity of the natural world with a special capacity to make the signal rise above the noise.

This is kind of like the last chance.