beauty is another altogether

A picture becomes great by not accepting normal standards, and pushing the envelope, so to speak, in order to innovate.

funny sayings in the age of the internet

We only see the luckiest pictures, the others are deeply buried in the internet. A painting of what one sees can be far more inventive than what one imagines, but Gauguin didn’t want to hear it.

"All events seem entirely loose and separate. One event follows another; but we never can observe any tie between them. They seem conjoined, but never connected."

David Hume

Wolf Vostell : No Art medium is logically preferable to any other, beauty is another altogether.

Magic has long been associated with experimental science. Silly art want to explore the space between the lines, some succeed, some fail.

never-ending quest for discoveries

Painting understood not as an object but rather as a set of choices, contrary to the rules of parcimony.

lifting mood snake

People aren't looking for sites with great art in a never-ending quest for discoveries. They're looking for sites with smiling pictures to make them happy.

Silly Art has no boundarie

Mercurial Neptunians live at the intersection of structural landscapes and human life, practicing Epictetan fatalism as living according to nature. But life cannot help happening. It sprouts from cracks in the asphalt.

Singularity is near. Not necessarily.

Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man.

Friedrich Nietzsche, Great artists are always their own most artistic creation.

Good art should have legs to run away the material world.

art website
