postmodern purple

In this painting, the expectation is that every layer does better than the previous layer. This is no longer the case. The upper layer might have less.

purple cool

Some pictures, insanely complicated in name of cultural creativity, created an art filled with legions of beautiful metaphors. These images also recall the symbolism of the vanitas, read as allegorical representations of the fleeting nature of our existence.

purple is art

Purple art is the color of craziness. In the later Roman Empire, and perhaps earlier, the phrase "born to the purple" meant of royal/imperial blood.

What makes someone an artist?

Can anyone artsy declare themselves a graphic artist? Or must they first accomplish something or have to be skillful? Justice hasn’t been done to the purple egg.

purple chinese tortoise

Purple art has a historical value, one that expresses a mystery that is shared between the artist and his model.

postmodern purple

Color is whatever an artist says it is. Art makes you feel it pictures the internet can't provide. The Theory of Relativity is a beggar wrapped in purple whom ignorant people take for a king (Nicola Tesla).

pig purple

Arthur Danto, Purple is not violet, purple was a very expensive color, and so only the wealthy aristocrats wore it.
