These influences ultimately forced him to confront the most challenging puzzle that the discipline then faced: Lizard brain then are kinds of symbols. They stand for our desires within a biological hierarchy. The vulgar will see only chaos, disorder and incorrectness.
James Ensor
Quirky artworks emphasize the storytelling approach to visualization, which requires a close understanding of the craziness. There is some fact, some memory, or some intuition that assures them their answer is reasonable.
When your paintings talk about unrealistic things, don't tell them they are unrealistically optimistic. Art enables us to find ourselves.
Good drawings are more accurate than photos.
The picture went to the internet and then happened entirely by chance to walk by an art website. There was no plan, we were just hoping for the best. When we cease to see the amusing side of art, it's all over. Interstitial spaces between the lines in the prints buzz with energy. How much of it is luck and timing? How much training and talent?
Gus Bofa, Le cirque, 1923
Walking at night can be a way of disappearing, of becoming invisible, and of simultaneously becoming hyper-visible and singular. In modernity, every advanced artifact knows its own inadequacy and seeks escape from bad art as a gradually evolving pictorial language.
Edmond Gonfalon explains so much about the past and present and what makes humans unique. A strong cultural identity is associated with enhanced power for self-esteem. Contemporary art is indeed running out of good problems.
We were just hoping for something we know innately to be true. Man might be nature’s biggest mistake. Sometimes, it's better to want than to have.
It is wrenching to let go of a picture you've helped to create, but you have to if you want the picture to live. Time and tide wait for no artwork. “The beauty of the ephemeral is what it teaches us about nature” says Lita Albuquerque.
There’s no cookbook at this point. There’s no manual of standard operating procedures. We are having to make them up as we go, and it’s a process. Art does not require an explanation.
Postmodernist pictures have piggybacked on contemporary art funny history and created their own images, accompanied by a dedicated website page. The myth that works is the myth that persuades, we have to do art.
There are so many wonderful opportunities to see art everyday. In my town a woman has started a tiny gallery in her front yard that attracts passersby to take a look, it’s fashioned after the popular tiny library phenomenon.
Edge art working within an indeterminate margin between representation and abstraction, nonsense art make the impersonal cities seem slightly more approachable, back down to reality.
I’m kind of heartbroken for the lizard brain, because I just didn’t know what was going to become of it. I just keep hoping for good news, your question is too abstract.
What is good abstract art? We have detached ourselves from the sense that beauty and meaning should symbolise anything more. It’s time to vacate this page and let nature do whatever.