unworldly art issues

From the gray area of subjectivity emerge countless possibilities held by objects once they have become the mirror of our perception.

Participating is the way of healthy, surviving human social animals.

Like a dream we can't quite recall, croquis drawing and quick sketching remain elusive. "There is a tendency to approach a work of art and immediately set about trying to figure out what it is about. But in so doing, we break its spell." (Alice Tippit)

The joy of discovery is certainly the liveliest that the mind of man can ever feel (Claude Bernard.)

bayesian cycle


The rest is the joy of discovery

remains the pleasure of discovery

Art is a signalling system using patterns and pattern recognition for human communication. Given art's recent turn toward the figurative, the literal, and the narrative, significant artworks are charmingly eccentric, especially if the purpose remains a complete mystery. Yet here as elsewhere in human affairs, there has generally been a gap between promise and fulfillment.

metaphor for uncertainty

The aesthetic attitude is a myth. Nothing is permanent, and metaphors for uncertainty want to explore the space between the lines, some succeed, some fail. Not necessarily. But life cannot help happening. It sprouts from cracks in the asphalt. It is scary how much art is wasted in a nihilistic epoch.

The seemingly ordinary things are more than what meet the eyes. Control is the mode of dominant culture. We can change our negative feelings. Paint if you like to paint. About waxoil.com goal in life.

About Waxoil.com

Regarding Waxoil.com, we are never quite sure what we are looking at.

My interest in science is to simply find out about the world, and the more I find out the better it is, like, to find out (Richard P. Feynman).

Great artists are always their own most artistic creation. If you think you can do something, the likelihood of you doing it goes way up.
