Painters love their profession the most.
William Makepeace Thackeray
Internet is perfect medium for painting the colour of good time, in a nearly otherworldly depiction of nature beyond time and place.
Making pictures that address the inexpressible universality of the human experience to re-enchant the world. With today's evolution toward a more visual and less verbal audience, is a painting on screen still a painting?
Our happiest drawings are mixed with sadness but feel great anyway.
Paul Klee
Trust your right brain, not your left brain.
My art-science schtick.
"I strive to make pieces in which the viewer's experience is important to the form and function of the piece."
Billie Grace Lynn, Those are the sites that are driving me nuts.
Good artworks always are hidden away where we are not.
To be happy, we need not to take ourself too seriously for the sake of art.
Selfishness, good health, stupidity and a sense of humor are the prerequisites of happiness.
Happy artworks are autonomous and impossible to control.
Paintings have a broad spectrum of important internal processes which are not always obvious or visible. Drawing like you don't need anything else. /p>
Happiness is not a purely subjective phenomenon, immune to scientific analysis. The internet wants pixels to be happy, wants investigating why mood-lifting ladybugs are so cute.
This picture did not had the leisure to capture the illusion of reality.
Paul Klee, Why life drawing is important ? Happiness is a good drawing.
There are shortcuts to happiness, and lively art is one of them. Just because you live in a high-rise doesn’t mean you’re happy.
Drawings that are quite happy being emotional. Sadness against energy creating art cannot improve its mood by recalling positive memories.