filippo marinetti futurist futurism
stick insect primitive folk art
artwork trying to have its cake and eat it too

There's not much in between, all or nothing.

Art is the food of soul because enigmatic cream rises to the top.

Modern Art is oily like salad dressing but little scientific evidence exists to substantiate this commonly held belief.

"Le déjeuner sur l'herbe" was a key figure in an avant-garde generation that contested the nature of the art object and the institutional framework of the art world in the 1860s.

Edouard Manet

artwork trying to have its cake and eat it too

The proof of the pudding is in the drawing and applying questionable artistical techniques is just the icing on the cake.

To Eat or not to be Eaten

But if we are not supposed to eat animals, why then are they made of meat?


Eat the weak. Food for thought is Art with no sugarcoating.

Some shy and cautious artworks elude predators by masquerading as common, inedible objects.

Only a very small percentage of the population cares about picture informality. Symbols for humor are notoriously bad at math.

Complexity refuses to oversimplify, but is willing to maximize amusement.

It's a chicken and egg thing, pretty sophisticated like all mathematic sciences.

Algorithmic art coding is one of the disciplines you either master or have absolutely no knowledge of.

It is certainly great practice to never take artworks at face value without asking questions. Understanding the organizing principles allows exhaustive enumeration of possible jocular structure topologies.

we are what we eat as nutty as a fruit cake

Beauty is the bread-and-butter of succesful pictures

Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam

enigmatic messages in art

Leo Tolstoy, What Is Art ?, unintentional artwork is non-art."
