sgraffito in painting

Slow painting and life drawing make art a liberation from clothing.

We have broken the art model, we want the label, artistic, but we forget the key underpinnings. Don't be afraid to be imaginative, otherwise you might as well take a picture. We are set up for different problems in life and we learn from them.

Freshness of the sketch does not require an explanation.

the freshness of the sketch, art on paper

Expressionism born from the anxiety of modern life.

Les tableaux de Manet ont gardé cette fraicheur de l'esquisse que perdent malheureusement presque toujours les tableaux.

Max Liebermann, "A propos de Manet", traduit par Christophe David

sgraffito art on paper

Figure drawing in pen and ink.

The selective deficit in generating human figure representations always derives from limited practice in drawing.

sgraffito painting

The world is full of unfinished drawings. Most of the fun of drawing from life is that you can exagerate. Don't be afraid to be imaginative. Your life model model also provides a handy set of "rules of thumb" for selecting specific whimsical images for various applications in the range of large and small-scale works.

unfinished African drawing

Learn to how to put the unfinished cherry red on top.

Art is for all.

David Hockney

purple figure

The art of drawing is the art of omission.

Max Liebermann

Primitives can't contain any model-specific logic or behaviour. Exploring sgraffito as a Mark making technique.

The arts matter because they deal with daily experiences in a transforming way; because they take us out of ourselves; because they encourage the imagination; because they offer a shared experience rather than an isolated one.

John Tusa


"The finished painting loses its freshness"